Obedience Training for Dogs: Teaching Basic Commands

Obedience training is an essential part of general dog training along with essential training

As a professional dog trainer, I can’t emphasize enough how important obedience training is for all dogs. A well-trained dog is a joy to own – and it makes your bond even stronger!

Here, I’ll share my list of obedience training commands to improve their behavior.

Pro Tip: Consider using clicker training to mark and reinforce desired behaviors as you train obedience commands. The clicker provides more precise and efficient communication over verbal praise alone.

Teaching Basic Commands

Here are some of the most important obedience commands to start with:


person and a dog, dog training, dog sit training, sit command training
  • Teaching your dog to sit on command builds responsiveness.


how to teach a dog to lay down, dog down command,
  • The down command helps achieve a relaxed settled state. 


obedience training, obedience training, how to teach a dog to stay, , DogHIB,
  • Teaching your dog to stay on command prevents door dashing and jumping on guests.


obedience training, obedience training, how to teach a dog to come, , DogHIB,
  • A reliable come command can save your dog’s life.

Leave It

how to teach a dog to leave it, dog leave it command, training leave it command,
  • “Leave it” teaches your dog impulse control around tempting objects or food.

More Helpful Commands

Other useful obedience commands to train include:


teach a dog to touch, dog touch command,
  • Teach command can be used to get your dog’s attention

Leave It

obedience training, obedience training, how to teach a dog to leave it, , DogHIB,
  • “Place” for having them go lie down on a specific spot


how to get your dog to calm down, settle command,
  • Calming an overexcited dog 


obedience training, obedience training, how to teach a dog to leave it, , DogHIB,
  • “Leave it” teaches your dog impulse control around tempting objects or food.

Pick 1-2 commands at a time to focus on so you don’t overwhelm your dog. Be patient and consistent with training sessions every day.

Hence, regular obedience training strengthens your bond, improves behavior, and keeps your dog mentally stimulated. Focus on mastering basic commands first before advancing to more complex skills. Reward progress and keep sessions upbeat. With time and practice, you’ll have a well-trained canine companion!

For more training tips, check out my 7-day obedience training plan.